Real Engineering - YouTube Channel

I joined the team over at the Real Engineering YouTube channel to work on 3D models for educational videos. With 4 million subscribers, this is one of the largest science channels. These videos often contain technical objects that don’t have existing 3D models yet. My job on the team is to work on 3D objects that need a little more attention. For this, I also use my engineering background to figure out how these objects work. My goal for these videos is to make the models as good as possible with limited time to save on costs. Below you can discover some of the videos I’ve worked on.

VT Fuze Model (see video)

Model created with Cinema4D, textured with Substance Painter, and rendered with Octane.
The fuze model is used for animations throughout the video and for the thumbnail. Hand model from DAZ Studios.

Saturn V F1 Rocket Engine Injection Plate Model (see video)

Model created with Fusion360 and rendered with Octane in Cinema4D.




Microscope Study